13 July 2015

Eastern Sweets Charmer

This is a personal work for some fairy tale project. The topic was Eastern Sweets. 
It took me a whole week to finish it. And I think this is my best work. 
Initial sketch:

6 July 2015


This is my recent work for Denis Zilber online course. The task was to draw a realistic pirate of XVII century, standing on the beach in the sunny weather with a chest. It was only a week for this task.

And this is the initial sketch and the middle point of the work, where I've got my critique from the teacher and edited my work.
 I'm very proud of my work, although it can be even better, but now it's my best one.
This course actually is amazing! And I can't have enough words to describe how much it's giving me.

2 July 2015

Carpal tunnel syndrome

Sometimes even illustrators are sick. And this is so frustrating when it causes your work parts, such as eyes or right hand...
Yesterday a carpal tunnel syndrome caused my right wrist. And I can't draw or paint, or even use my computer without pain. I've read that this is a widespread desease among computer working people. So, this is the lesson for me to have regular breaks while working. I hope it will be over soon, but now I should use the ointment and wear this...
P.S. Actually, I've found out the hot shower can lower the pain.